Appfarm Commander

Appfarm Commander is a command palette for navigating in Appfarm Create, running simple commands, and searching the documentation.


Launch Appfarm Commander from anywhere in Appfarm Create with the keyboard shortcut Command + K (Mac) or Control + K (Windows), or by selecting Appfarm Commander from the top-left menu.

On launch, Appfarm Commander lists items from the main menu, as well as sub-sections within the active app (if relevant). You can use the arrow keys to navigate through this list, or start typing to filter the items. Press Enter on a selected item or click to go directly to that page.

You may also use Appfarm Commander for search.

  • Start typing to search for concepts depending on the menu or context you are in. For example, when you are in the menu Apps -> UI, you may search for UI Components, and you are also given an option to add the UI Components from the commander. When you are in Apps -> Actions, you may search for action nodes (and add them as well).

  • Search for a menu, such as "Themes", allows you to navigate to the Themes menu from Appfarm Commander.

  • Prefix your search ! to search globally. For example, search for a given action name across Apps and Services.

You can search across specific collections and run simple commands by appending a prefix to your query.



Search across the apps, services, and actions in the solution.



See and run simple commands, such as Create new user.



Search in the documentation (opens in a new window).

?web request

Last updated